Description: Achieve – Brain Training is an Android app that can give your brain a needed workout. Designed for those that enjoy using their brain perhaps more than their brawn, Achieve is an app that features five different games to exercise your grey matter; the Stroop Test, Spell Test, Odd One Out, Right or Wrong and Bigger or Smaller. Each one of these games features workouts for your brain that will help sharpen you up and keep you relaxed. There’s also the Split Brain Challenge that you can only unlock once you’ve played through all the other games, which poses an even bigger challenge. These days, it’s difficult to give our brains the attention they deserve, and with entertainment all over the place it’s super-easy to switch off. Can Achieve – Brain Training help you get your brain back in shape? Read on to find out.
How it Works: Downloading Achieve – Brain Training from the Play Store will get you started, and from there you just need to choose from one of the five games included.
Each game is a little different, here’s a quick look at what each game has to offer:
- Stroop Test – This is based on the stroop effect – where looking at a word spelling one color and painted another color confuses the mind.
- Spell Test – This game asks you to study each word when it appears on the screen, and once you’re ready to spell it out as accurately and quickly as possible.
- Odd One Out – Here, you need to choose which image simply isn’t right, it’s far from easy though.
- Right or Wrong – This game has you test your math skills by selecting whether the mathematical formula is right or wrong.
- Bigger or Smaller – This is advanced math, asking you to pick the mathematical expression that yields the bigger or smaller result.
Here, I’m going to take a look at the Stroop Test, with one of the first challenges being to choose the right color.
When you’re taking the tests, everything is readable and easy to input your answer, making the challenges the difficult part, which is exactly how it should be.
Each time you complete one of these tests, you’re also given a score, as well as a single Prodigy Point.
For those interested in beating their scores, you can take a look at them to see which areas you need to improve the most.
Altogether, it’s clear that Achieve is a complete package, with Google Play Games support for pretty much everything including Achievements.
There’s much more to Achieve – Brain Training, this is just a taste so, why not see how you like it?
Opinion: I’ve been using games like these on the Nintendo DS since the original Brain Training game took off, but these days I have no room for that in my gadget rotation. As such, I’ve turned to games on my phone and tablet. Achieve is one of those games that helpfully exercises my grey matter. I appreciate the challenge posed by the five mini games here, and while I haven’t quite made it to the Split Brain Challenge, I’m having fun getting there. For me, the fun comes in picking the right answer as quickly as possible, and I still find the color game devilishly tricky at times. It’s clear that these games were put together with some genuine thought as to how challenging they’d be. All these games are challenging enough to keep me on my toes and I’ll be using this once or twice a week to keep my brain sharp after I’ve had enough of all the Android stuff I deal with all week.
- Speed (4/5) – Achieve – Brain Training has some good pacing to it and it ran great on my Nexus 9.
- Features (5/5) – There’s definitely a lot of variety out there when it comes to these sort of games, but Achieve has all the right boxes ticked and it’ll test all the main functions of how we approach problems.
- Theme (4/5) – Everything is easy to read and the game looks good, I just wish that it was geared towards tablets a little more.
- Overall (4/5) – A quality game to keep you on your toes, Achieve should be something those feeling themselves slipping should take a look at.
- Five challenges in one, with a real sense of progression when you complete them.
- The Split Brain Challenge is something worth working toward and unlocks an even more difficult challenge to get stuck into.
- I can tell that the challenges were carefully put together, and they’re clearly geared up to give people a thorough challenge.
- Everything is easy to read and see, so there’s no frustration from not understanding the questions or anything like that.
- A daily mode with quick challenges after work or in the morning would be great for me.
- It does look good on tablets, but it could be even better and I feel this is how a lot of players will make the most of the game.
Conclusion: While there’s definitely a lot of competition out there when it comes to Brain Training titles in the Play Store, Achieve is a great option. There’s a sense of progression as you work through each part of the five games and work toward the Split Brain Challenge. I had fun with Achieve – Brain Training and I hope that there’s a daily mode added to keep my brain fresh through the week. I don’t know about my readers, but I’m in much better spirits when my mind is sharp than otherwise. Achieve can help you stay on your toes and it’s fun, as well.