Top Android Homescreen December 19th Edition: DayNightShift

It’s Friday and that means another homescreen setup for everybody. We’re getting close to Christmas so I wanted to make sure and pick a good one for you, and this week’s pick is so awesome you could almost consider it a nice little gift. As always we grab our top homescreen picks from mycolorscreen.com, and man does this one deserve some recognition. It’s called DayNightShift, and just in case you didn’t already catch the idea by the screenshot above and the name, the style shifts from a light to a dark colored theme between day and night cycles to reflect the time of day and help prevent eye burn. Now that’s slick! Let’s not forget it has a fairly strong Material Design inspired look to it, which is always appreciated now that we’re in the Lollipop era. We’ll gloss over the apps and things you need to recreate this homescreen look for yourself, that way you can get things up and running in no time.

First off you’re going to need a third party home launcher,(as always)the tutorial suggests Nova Launcher. We would suggest the same although we’d recommend the Prime version instead of the free version. You’re also going to need Zooper Widgets Pro as this is how you’ll apply the widgets. Lastly, you’ll also need Media Utilities as this is how you’ll get the music widget to appear and become interactive. There is a hefty tutorial on setting this homescreen up but trust me when I say it’s worth it, as the homescreen looks so clean after everything is done. I’ll go over the basics for you here, but you’ll want to navigate over to the mycolorscreen page for this homescreen to grab the full details on setting everything up. The homescreen’s creator, Nilsschoovaerts, has laid everything out step by step and has also provided the download for the files you’ll need(zooper widget files)to recreate the design.

The simple steps to get going after you have installed the three above mentioned apps is to set your homescreen grid, which is 12 rows by 10 columns. Make sure the box below your chosen grid size(subgrid positioning)is checked. After that make sure to hide the dock at the bottom. Next make sure that you have your margins for height and width set to none. If you see an option for “show pages as cards,” enable that, and finally set your widgets to overlap and set your scroll animation to “wipe.” The rest of the widget placement details are a little involved so you can get to those from the source link below. As stated Nilsschoovaerts also has the link to the zooper files at that page, as well as describes the steps to set the automation for the shifting day/night color theme. If you like this design remember to “zoom” the image on the mycolorscreen page and be sure to hit the love button to show some appreciation for the hard work in setting up this awesome homescreen design. Have a good weekend and happy themeing!!