Falcon Pro 3 Launches on the Play Store, $3.99 for First Account, $1.99 for Each Account Afterwards

Falcon Pro was one of the best Twitter apps out there. I say “was” because it was one of the first Twitter apps to get hit with that Twitter API limitation. Where it only had a certain number of tokens. The developer tried to find ways around it, but eventually just dropped the project altogether. And we can’t really blame him. Now he’s back with Falcon Pro 3. It’s a great looking, material design third-party Twitter client. But remember, there’s still a possibility of being locked out, And if you’re a heavy Twitter user, you may have a useless app for a bit. The Twitter API limit sucks. Which is why I’ve stuck with the official one.

But let’s get back to Falcon Pro 3. It’s a great looking app. But there’s one major con here. And that’s the price. A lot of people that bought the first version are pretty pissed that they have to pay again. Falcon Pro 3’s pricing model is a bit different this time around. Instead of just paying for the app, it’s an in-app purchase. Which is $3.99 for the first account and $1.99 for additional accounts. Pretty crazy that you have to pay per account. But in Falcon Pro 3’s defense, that’s to try and keep the token number down. Since each account is a new token. Kinda sucks, but gotta play by Twitter’s rules.

Falcon Pro 3 is an amazing Twitter client, and if you don’t mind the in-app purchases and aren’t particularly a heavy Twitter user, then this is a fantastic app, and I’d definitely recommend buying it. It’s got smart load as well which is a really cool, yet interesting feature. Not to mention how smooth it is. You can download it on the Google Play Store from the link down below. Let us know how you like Falcon Pro 3 if you decide to pick it up.