OnePlus Announce 'Hydrogen OS' For Non-Global OnePlus Devices

For the OnePlus fans out there, the last hour has been an interesting one. We knew OnePlus were going to announce something today as they had released a couple of teasers alluding to the fact. The first came last night in the way of a periodic table image on the company’s Weibo account. This was then followed up by a Google+ post that was sent out this morning with a reference to ‘Back To Basics’. Since then, the news broke within the last hour that all of these teasers were relating to the new OnePlus operating system, which has since been unveiled as ‘Oxygen OS‘. OnePlus launched a competition a few weeks back asking user’s to pick the name of the operating system and it looks like this is the one they have gone for.

Well, it looks like the news is not stopping there. Oxygen OS is indeed the name of the new OnePlus operating system. However, that is the operating system which is going to be used on what OnePlus refer to as ‘Global Devices’. You should remember that phrase from the whole India issue. As OnePlus announced that they would only be providing Cyanogen updates for their global devices going forward. Well, it also now seems that as well as the global version there will be a different OS for the non-Global devices. On this non-global devices, Oxygen OS will not be used and instead these devices will roll-out with what OnePlus are calling ‘Hydrogen OS’, or H2OS for short.

To be clear, OnePlus have today announced two new operating systems. One for global devices and one for non-global devices. The two operating systems are called, Oxygen OS and Hydrogen OS respectively. One will be used everywhere and one will be used in China only. So, if you ever needed any more proof that OnePlus and all OnePlus devices going forward will no longer be running Cyanogen, there you have it. So what do you think? Which OS would you prefer to use?  Which name do you prefer? Oxygen or Hydrogen. Let us know.