OnePlus Could Be Thinking About Entering The Smart Home and Wearable Markets

If you have bought a OnePlus One from OnePlus, then you might have seen an email from the Chinese startup in your inbox this morning. Now, normally emails from companies you have purchased from, are part and parcel with buying online. They need an email to send you your purchase confirmation and so you give it. Low and behold, in comes the various promotions, deals and general newsletters. Well, today’s email was a little different. This morning’s correspondence came in the form of an ‘Experience Survey’ and literally was one of those typical customer satisfaction survey type emails. ‘Spare a few minutes to let us know what you think of your recent purchase’, that sort of thing.

Although, the principle of the survey was typical, this was a rather longer than usual survey, with virtually all the questions ‘pick a number between….that represents’ type of questions. However, deep within the questionnaire were some rather unusual OnePlus questions, which hinted at what direction the company might be thinking of going in the future. The most interesting of the two were based around wearables and smart home technology. OnePlus do not currently offer either of these sorts of products. As such their inclusion was instantly attention-grabbing. In terms of wearables, the questionnaire looked to answer what users want in a wearable. It didn’t seem to matter whether it was a smartwatch or a fitness tracker, but focused more on what customers find important ‘design’, ‘features’ and weirdly, how many body parts it could be worn on.

In contrast to wearables, the smart home questions were far more direct and revealing. These questions were short and wanted to know what smart products the recipient had previously purchased. The most revealing of all of the questions was “Would you be interested in purchasing smart home products from OnePlus in the future?” Now, these could just be a harmless market research activity, but at the same time, it does very much suggest that OnePlus are at least thinking about the smart home and wearable markets. More to the point, at the very least, does suggest OnePlus see themselves maybe entering other markets outside of simply smartphones and accessories. So, to help them get more of an answer to the question, would you actually be interested in either a OnePlus manufactured wearable or smart home product? Let us know.