Rumor: HTC One M7 Will Receive Lollipop Android 5.0.2 But No Further Updating

Now that 2015 is here and we are progressing through January nicely all eyes will be on all the manufacturers who made some bold claims just before Lollipop was released. The source code for Android 5.0 (Lollipop) was finally pushed out to the AOSP back at the start of November and in the couple of weeks leading up to this, quite a few of the big OEMs announced (quite consistently) that they would make Lollipop available to their flagship devices within ninety days of the release day. As the official release date was November 3rd, this means those who promised the ninety-day marker, should be pushing Lollipop out by February 3rd. Which we are quietly but now, quickly approaching.

One of those companies who made the ninety-day claim was HTC. Like, most OEMs HTC have a whole bunch of devices on-the-go and therefore a whole bunch of users who will be waiting for Lollipop to land. That said, the ninety-day pledge was largely assumed to be for flagship devices. In HTC’s case, this was expected to be the HTC One M8 and the previous flagship the HTC One M7. As the M7 is a little older, some owners were worried that the Lollipop update might not be coming their way. However, HTC did confirm the M7 was included. Following on from this, at the start of December reports were coming in that Lolipop had begun rolling out to both the M7 and M8 GPs devices. Not long after this, reports started coming in that the M7 and M8 would both received the update early January.

Well, early January came and we did not see the update landing although a couple of days ago known HTC tipster LlabTooFeR did advise that the M8 was expected to receive the update within the next one to two weeks. However, there was no specific mention of the M7. That said, LlabTooFeR has again updated the M7 situation by tweeting that the M7 will definitely receive the Lollipop update. Specifically, the Android 5.0.2 update. That said, the tweet also came with a slightly ominous ending which suggested this will be the last update the M7 receives. This won’t be totally surprising to some android users, as the M7 was released in February 2013 and as such, the rollout of Lollipop by February this year will mean the pesky ‘two-year guaranteed updates’ comes to an end. After the two-year marker, OEMs are no longer required to further update devices and instead it is up to their good graces if they do or not. This latest tweet suggests that HTC are planning on ending the M7 updating on the first Lollipop update it receives. So M7 owners, you will receive Android 5.0.2 and taste Lollipop although that might be the last update you get. Disappointed? Expecting it? Let us know.