This wouldn’t be the first partnership that Samsung has entered into with Marvel Comics, and it probably won’t be the last one either. If you’re a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 or Galaxy Note Edge user, then your S Pen just reached super hero status with these new Penvatars that Samsung is introducing. You know that little cursor that shows up on screen when you use the S Pen? Samsung is making things a little more fun and customizable by introducing the Penvatars which allows users to replace that boring, plain, simple circle cursor with little avatars in various designs. For their first lineup it seems they’ve partnered with Marvel Comics to offer a selection of Avengers themed S Pen avatars. Some of them are faces of the featured Avengers heroes, others are little hand pointers themed after each hero. Cool right? Especially if you’re a Marvel fan. Check them out in the images we gathered from Samsung during CES.
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