While most owners eagerly await the release of Android 5.0 (Lollipop) to arrive on their devices, the CyanogenMod team have been making steady progress in releasing their ported version of Lollipop, CM12, out to new devices. Typically, every week we are seeing devices added to the CM12 pool and this week was no different.
Now added to the ever increasing range, is the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Yep, Samsung’s current latest flagship device now has support for CyanogenMod 12. As always though, there are a few things to be wary of. Straight off of the bat, you will need to know that this Note 4 CM12 variant is not for the Note 4, in general. Instead, it is a carrier specific version. At present only the Sprint and T-Mobile versions are available. It is also worth noting, that these two variants come in two different sub-variant ROMs (one for each carrier). So you do need to make sure you are installing the right one for your device. It might sound finicky but installing the right one does make sure you will experience the least problems. Not to mention, installing the wrong one could seriously damage your device. If you are running the Sprint Galaxy Note 4 then this goes by the codename ‘trltespr‘ and you should click here to head over to your download page. Alternatively if you are using the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 (codename ‘trltetmo‘) then you should click here to head over to your respective page. If you are running any other variant of the Note 4 then stay tuned as the others are not normally too far behind.
The other important thing to remember is that these are nightlies. As such, they are largely considered to be experimental. That doesn’t mean you are likely to experience issues with the installation or running of the ROM, but does mean that you should expect some sort of bugs or annoyances. That said, any bugs you do experience should be ironed out in future nightly releases. If you are not running a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, but want to see if your device is currently available, then follow the source link below. Already running CM12? How do you like it? Let us know.