YouTube User Uploads Video Showing Off Android Lollipop And Sense 6.0 For The HTC One M7

While those of with Sony Xperia devices are eagerly awaiting the month of February to come around so we can have our official taste of Android 5.0 Lollipop, those who are still running the HTC One M7 may be looking at getting the update to the latest version of Android sooner than later. Today a video has surfaced online which appears to show off the HTC One M7 running what looks like a near final build of the Android 5.0 software, although the video is short and we don’t get a ton of detail from it, and all we really see that is Lollipop defining is the recents menu with the card stack style recent apps, and the play store icon sitting on the home page. With that being said, the video also shows off the HTC Sense 6.0 software.

Back in November, HTC had made the promise that it was going to push out the update for Android 5.0 Lollipop with the Sense 6.0 software within 90 days of the original Lollipop release to all HTC One M7, and HTC One M8 devices, and we’re nearing that 90 day mark pretty soon here, although still a few weeks away if it stretches to exactly 90 days. There is of the course the chance that it could start hitting devices before the 90 day mark. The user who uploaded this video to YouTube(shown below)seems to already have it, but they don’t mention anything about how they would have gotten a hold of the software, nor do they actually show us the about phone menu which shows us the details on the build version and other information.

It’s unfortunate that we don’t get to see too much more out of the video so we can see a little more of what HTC’s Lollipop builds look like officially. We shouldn’t have to wait too much longer though since the update is likely just around the corner. If you still own an HTC One M7 or are using an HTC One M8, be sure to watch out for the software update notification to hit your status bar. Give the video a watch and check out the little bit of detail that we’re given.