Google Computer Scientist Udi Manber Leaves Google For opportunity With National Institutes of Health

One of Google’s computer scientists who worked on Search and YouTube is leaving the technology giant to grasp an opportunity to work for the National Institutes of Health. Udi Manber, who joined on at Google back in 2006 following a stint working on Amazon’s A9 lab, was only recently brought onto the YouTube team at some point last year, where he was regarded as a high-profile team member during a time when other members from the same division were departing the company.

Although he is now moving onto better things with an amazing opportunity to do some good, Udi Manber states that he “had a wonderful nine years at Google and YouTube, but could not resist the amazing opportunities at NIH.” Manber clearly feels passionate about health and wants to really improve the quality of life, and we imagine NIH will allow him to help in doing that. It wasn’t stated what exactly he would be doing for NIH but he later mentioned that he believes improving access to medical knowledge can have a big impact and that he hopes he can help to further this process.

Manber is also known for creating the Google Helpouts video chat, which is like Hangouts but with the goal of providing a one on one chat for people to get in touch with experts about any given topic. Say Guitar lessons for example, or cooking. In the past Manber was also the man behind Google’s Project Knol which was to be a database of information similar to wikipedia but was never pushed into a release state. At the moment Google hasn’t mentioned if they have a replacement for Manber in mind, but we imagine with Google’s extensive offerings it won’t be too long before they find a suitable replacement to do the job that Manber was doing within the YouTube team prior to him leaving the company. Nine years is quite a long time to spend at any company, and if you’re going to leave a job at Google it should definitely be something that you’re passionate about and that you feel will do some good. In this case, we’d say a job that seeks to better improve access to medical knowledge is a respectable affair.