Google Giving Away 2GB Free Drive Storage For Safer Internet Day

If you’re using an Android phone, chances are that you’re also an extensive user of the company’s cloud service, Google Drive. If that’s the case, 15GB of free storage that you get with sign up isn’t always sufficient, which means you have to either pay for extra storage or make do with some other cloud based service, which unfortunately leaves you without the innumerable integration many apps have with Google Drive.

If that’s the case with you, as it was with me, you’ll be happy to know Google is offering some free storage to its users, applicable till the 17th of this month. All you have to do is spend two minutes of your time to take part in Google’s security checkup program for your account. This is being done to celebrate Safer Internet Day, which as the name suggests signifies security on the internet, which is a growing concern among users. The security checkup basically reviews all of the permissions and account settings of your Google account, just to make sure you know what’s happening, and if you don’t, get rid of it as soon as possible. Things like recent logged in locations, application access privileges, etc. are what you’ll be made to review in the short-ish checkup.

Once you’re done with the two minute checkup (it didn’t even take me two minutes, if I’m not wrong), you’ll be eligible for 2GB of free Google Drive storage. Don’t get perplexed yet if you don’t get a notification about the free couple of GBs of storage; Google will only roll out the freebies by 28th February. You’ll also receive an email from Google once your account in upgraded. The offer is applicable only to consumers, i.e., it doesn’t apply to enterprise users which subscribe to Google services such as Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education.

It’s truly a nice initiative by Google to give away free cloud storage in order to encourage people to indulge in safer internet activity, don’t you think? Let us know what you think about the program.