Since the Google Nexus 6 hit the scene late last year, the slow impending death of the Nexus 5 has become more increasingly like a reality. Due to the massive price tag that came with the Nexus 6’s massive screen, it was felt (and thought) that the Nexus 5 might live on much longer, as a sort of intermediary device alongside the Nexus 6. The Nexus 6 too big (or just too pricey) then no problem, give the Nexus 5 and its mid-range price a go. The specs were still decent enough, the device was quick to be updated to Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and therefore everything seemed to make sense. Of course, that was not meant to be,
Over the last couple of months, it has become more and more apparent that the Nexus 5 will come to its end-of-life status and sooner rather than later. In fact, Google have all but confirmed this, with reports back in December coming down the wire and noting that the Nexus 5 is no longer in production by Google and what is left in stock is all there ever will be. Not to mention that both the red and white versions of the device have already been taking off of their virtual shelves. The black version does however, seem to have a little bit more grit in its teeth and has been hanging on in there. Which is not surprising as the device seems to sell out (just a quickly as the Nexus 6) every time it becomes available and in stock on Google Play.
Well, if you have been wanting (or at least thinking about) grabbing a Nexus 5 before they fully vanish from existence, then now might be your best chance. The Nexus 6 (in black) has once again made an appearance on Google Play and is showing as in stock. The standard 16GB version is at its usually $349.99 price while the largest 32GB version is also at its standard $399.99 price. Both versions are listed as shipping in one to two days. It is probably wise to be quick though if you are after one as they normally do not stay in stock too long. Click here to head over to the Nexus 5 Listing. Any takers? Let us know.