Google Rumored To Be In Development Of Their Own Ride Share App And Service

Google is rumored to be working on their own competitor to Uber, which immediately strikes us as a little bit odd considering their large investment into Uber back in 2013 and their support for the integration of the app into Google Maps, not to mention that Uber is built off of Google Maps to begin with, but according to Bloomberg Google is doing just that. Uber is already facing a number of different hurdles and road blocks, not the least of which is themselves due to their continued decisions to operate illegally in various cities around the globe which does nothing more than draw them negative attention, but they also face opposition from city officials, and of course competing companies like Lyft and even the local Taxi Cab companies. Now with Google apparently trying to break into this market Uber faces a company that has much more potential in bringing them stiff competition.

While Google doesn’t always stick with every single project it picks up and sometimes decides to scrap things, they have deep enough pockets to throw at something like a ride sharing service which could compete with Uber. What’s interesting is that Uber has also been reported to be looking into their own setup of driverless cars. While Uber’s self driving vehicles could be years away, Google could have a ride sharing service up and running potentially in a year’s time if it wanted to, giving them ample time to compete against Uber in the same space, while also potentially allowing them to undercut with better prices, and to be quite honest, be seen as far less problematic.

Google has apparently notified Uber that it’s developing a ride sharing app and service that could be a competitor, but we’d be willing to bet there is more to the details here than Google deciding to compete against a company which they have dumped hundreds of millions in investments into. According to Bloomberg, the source also claims that Google’s Chief legal officer and Senior VP of corporate development, David Drummond, was the one who told Uber about the possible ride sharing service, and that Uber executives have seen screenshots of early versions of Google’s app which would compete with Uber’s already existing ride share. Uber has much to be concerned about if Google moves ahead with their own ride share service, since Uber’s app is basically built off of Google Maps and if Google ends up competing, Uber would end up without a partner and have to switch the mapping service. Having been investors of Uber for the past year and half plus having access to data about transportation patterns also gives Google a fairly competitive advantage. What do you think about the possibility of Google doing ride share?