The Latest Report Claims That Xiaomi Might Go Public Soon, That Might Not Happen Though

Xiaomi is enjoying tremendous success at the moment. This company was founded back in 2010 and it’s already the second most valuable growing technology company in the world, right next to Facebook. Xiaomi is currently valued at $46 billion dollars and has recently raised significant funds in order to help the company expand to other markets. That being said, a new report by ifeng.com, a news website which is owned by Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV network, reports that Xiaomi might go public on either the U.S. or Hong Kong stock exchange. The report claims that Xiaomi is trying to decide which ones of these two markets to go public in, and that it will probably choose whichever ends up offering the highest valuation. Various IPO packages have been offered to the company by the investment banks, at least according to this report.

This sounds kind of odd, let me tell you why. Back in 2010, when the company was founded, Xiaomi’s founder, Lei Jun, said that the company won’t be listed on the stock market for at least the next five years. Five years have passed, and this seems like the perfect timeframe for Xiaomi to go public, right? Well, perhaps it is the right time, but last year, Xiaomi’s executives claimed that the company is nowhere near this stage. According to them, it will take another five years for Xiaomi to public, which would basically mean that they won’t get listed on the stock market before 2019.

So, who to believe here? Well, it’s up to you, the company is doing extremely well at the moment, and all things considered, this might be the perfect time for them to go public. Besides, company’s CEO did kind of predict it will take them about 5 years to go public, but the report from November kind of puts a huge question mark on everything. Either way, I doubt Xiaomi will announce anything regarding this during their San Francisco event on February 12, that is supposed to be a meet-and-greet event only it seems. What are your thoughts here, do you think Xiaomi will go public this year or not?