Since the close of last year, a lot of talk has surrounded what OnePlus will be doing in the future. While most of the talk should have been around their upcoming flagship device, the OnePlus 2, it seems most people were interested in what will be happening with their OS. After their fall-out with Cyanogen, it became clear, OnePlus and Cyanogen would not be partnering in the future, in any meaningful capacity. This conveniently led the way for OnePlus to unveil their own homegrown OS, which did they a couple of weeks ago as OxygenOS.
Following on from the official unveiling at the start of February, much talk was around February 12th as this was the date OnePlus announced they would provide further details. While speculation fuelled this was the launch date of OxygenOS, this unfortunately did not come to pass. Instead, the 12th was the date in which OnePlus unveiled the team behind OxygenOS. For the custom community, this came as a bit of a surprise as the team brought in to bring Oxygen to the masses was a number of developers from the Paranoid Android (PA) project.
At first, this was just thought of, in terms of OnePlus simply pinching a few of the PA developers to work on their ROM. However, it now seems there is a clear ongoing relationship with Paranoid Android and OnePlus. The PA team released a new posting on their blog this morning explaining the new found relationship, how they were approach by OnePlus (although, they do not name them directly) and how the two will be partnering to bring OxygenOS to the market. The joint venture now even comes with its own hashtag (#NeverSettleBeParanoid) highlighting the mantra of both companies. In recognition of the announcement by PA, they are currently running an invite competition where you can win one of 100 invites. You can read the blog in full or see the details on the One Plus invite competition by clicking here. If you are after a OnePlus One, then it is also worth remembering that every Tuesday you can pick one up directly from OnePlus, without the need for an invite. So what do you think of Paranoid Android officially partnering OnePlus? Let us know.