Revamped Desktop UI for Google's Play Store Appears Once Again


For a long time now, there’s been chatter that Google is getting ready to upgrade the look of the Play Store’s website on the Desktop, and while we’ve seen screenshots of this in the past, many of us are still seeing the old look and feel. Yet another screenshot has appeared, and this time around it better shows off the narrow look of the website and how Google have shifted the layout of the app’s info and its screenshots around. It looks like Google is close to rolling out a Material Design look and feel to the Play Store, while also cleaning up the often cluttered feel of the website for those looking for fresh apps and games.

The website version of the Play Store is a staple for many users and it makes installing apps nice and easy, I use it a lot when at my desk as it makes things quicker for me. Coming from the Google System blog in Romania, this latest screenshot looks like Google is testing out a sidebar to better show off related apps and games, thus making the center that displays all the app’s info much narrower and perhaps easier to digest on widescreen laptops and desktops. We were thinking that this new design would roll out to the majority of users some time ago, but it appears that Google is taking their time on this one.

For reference, the gallery below includes two images, the new look of the Play Store and the same app from the current look and feel of the Play Store that I’m seeing. This is clearly more of a layout redesign, but also a way of pushing more app installs in general by bringing related apps closer to eye-level, rather than relying on users to spend the time scrolling down and looking for something else. There’s not much Material Design to see in the new screenshot, but there are little elements here and there to be seen.