Samsung Galaxy Tab A, Galaxy Tab E and Galaxy J Trademarks Appear


Samsung certainly isn’t shy when it comes to releasing a number of different models in different product lines and while they’ve been doing that for a long time on the smartphone side of things, it’s only recently that they’ve added more than one line of tablets to shelves. Last year we saw the birth of the Galaxy Tab Pro and Galaxy Tab S lines, joining the Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note line of tablets. Now though, it looks like Samsung is to change things around again and offer a number of different Galaxy Tab lines, with users having to guess which is which based on which letter of the alphabet Samsung chooses.

GalaxyClub.nl has uncovered a number of new trademarks filed by Samsung in South Korea. Matching up neatly with recent trademarks of Galaxy smartphones, the new Galaxy Tabs are trademarks Galaxy Tab A, Galaxy Tab E and Galaxy Tab J. A trademark application tells us very little about their internal specs or anything like that, but the general consensus is that Samsung is to release a refreshed line of Galaxy Tab 4 devices with 64-bit Snapdragon processors. These tablets could well fall into one of – or all three – of these new lines.

This year is apparently going to be the year that Samsung cuts down on the number of devices it releases, but so far it appears that the company is just make it easier to differentiate one product from another. That seems like a smart idea, after all with several different Galaxy Tab 4 models and very little between them it was not exactly easy to choose. Hopefully, Samsung’s new line of tablets will have something a little more interesting to offer users as the tablet market currently isn’t doing so well. Do you think Samsung can offer some compelling experiences at a decent price point with these new lines? Let us know your thoughts below in the comments.