Skype App For Android Updated And Now Offering Image Sharing With Offline Contacts

Just a few hours ago we talked about how Microsoft were planning their onslaught on android by seemingly attempting to make all their services and applications cross-platform compatible. This is most likely as a means to try and get their foot back firmly into the average android user’s work and play spaces. As such, over the past few weeks we have seen an increase in the number of Microsoft based apps and products becoming more compatible with Android. That said, Microsoft own much more than the more typical Microsoft features we associate with them, like Office. For instance, Microsoft own Skype. This is one service which has been cross-platform compatible for a long time and already has a significant work and play user base.

Well, if you are a Skype user then you might like to know that the application received an update today and it is not a bad one at all. The big headline for this update comes in the manner in which Skype handles pictures. Before today, if you wanted to send an image to someone, then both of you had to be online at the same time. At this point, you could attach and send as you do on all other chat and sharing platforms. That said, today’s update brings the ability to share images with people who are currently offline. You can now send an image to any contact and if they are offline the image will sit there waiting for them. Once they finally make it online, the image will appear in their chat feed as if you had just sent it. Even though, by now you might have gone offline.

As well as the image sharing upgrade, there were also a few more improvements made with this update. The first includes the ability to utilize a ‘picture in picture’ view on smartphones. Which essentially means you can continue a Skype video chat while navigating and changing to other applications. Not to mention, chat loading speed times have been made faster and the general call quality improved. If you have not seen the update arrive for your device yet (or you have not downloaded Skype on your phone) then you can grab the updated version now from the Play Store. Let us know what you think of the update and the new offline image sharing feature.