A Closer Look: HTC's Theme App on the One M9

The theme app on the HTC One M9 is one of the things that HTC is most proud of with their new flagship. As Android users, we all want to be able to customize our devices. Whether its the wallpaper, icons, font, or something totally different. Some manufacturers already allow us to do just this without downloading any third-party apps. But it’s usually pretty limited. However, HTC has taken it a step further.

With the Themes app on the HTC One M9, you can choose from a ton of different themes to put on your M9. But you can also choose to use different fonts, icons and even the sounds. Which is pretty neat. On top of that, you can also create your own themes based on the wallpaper you’ve chosen. But there’s more. For those that are really advanced, you can download the Photoshop template and create your own theme from scratch. And all of this is done with the pre-installed Themes app on the HTC One M9. Pretty unique and amazing.

So how does the Theme app create a theme from your wallpaper? Simply find a picture you want as your wallpaper. Now tap on Themes from the Gallery app. Another way is to tap the “+” icon in the Themes app. Now it’s going to use the colors in that picture to find your own theme. From there, the app will give you a few different themes to choose from. Want to change some stuff up? Just hit the “EDIT” button in the middle at the bottom of the display. From there you can change the wallpaper, the textures and colors, icons, sounds and font.

HTC has dozens of themes available in their theme store now, including a few “material” ones. You, too, can submit themes to the Theme store, and help the number of themes grow and grow. It’s a really great feature, and the possibilities here are endless. It will be interesting to see how their Themes app and store progress in the next year or so. You can also view their themes online at themes.htc.com and go through the Theme Maker as well as the Maker Pro.