Android Epic App Battles: Dropbox V.S. OneDrive

Cloud Storage has become a major tool and asset to many individuals and businesses in the last couple of years, and rightfully so as it can help to make so many things easier with work and personal everyday life. Whether it’s storing backups of your most precious photos and your personal library of music, or sharing documents and work projects between colleagues, cloud storage apps make the whole process of storing and/or sharing just about anything that much easier. This battle is about two of the most popular and capable cloud storage apps to help with personal and business productivity, Dropbox and OneDrive. We’ll go over a few features of each briefly and let you decide in the G+ poll which one better suits your needs.


Dropbox is universally known by many mobile device users, both from personal and the business side of things, and it’s been around long enough that this fact shouldn’t really be surprising. Dropbox offers users an easy way to sync their account across multiple devices and platforms, including the web, and share just about anything in between all of them. It stores all kinds of files including photos, videos, music, documents, and more and sharing things is simple and  can be done a few different ways. You can invite someone to view specific folders, or share single files specifically with a link to download or view. Upon signing up Dropbox gives users 2GB of space for free, and users can earn up to an additional 16GB for free by referring friends and family to sign up for their own free accounts, and should users need more space than what they have, Dropbox offers upgradeable storage accounts for varied monthly fees. Images taken with a smartphone can be set to auto backup to Dropbox making photo backup and storage a snap, and email attachments can be saved directly to Dropbox too.


OneDrive is Microsoft’s own cloud storage service to compete with the likes of Dropbox and others, and allows the same general features of storing photos, videos, documents, music, and other files within a cloud-based account, which can be synced between multiple devices and platforms, including the web. Compared to Dropbox’s 2GB of free space, OneDrive gives users an immediate 15GB of free storage upon signing up for a free account, with varied options for upgradeable storage with different monthly fees. OneDrive offers ways to earn extra storage for free as well, with the capability to earn up to 3GB of extra storage when users backup their camera roll, and up to 5GB more when friends and family are referred(500MB each) giving users a possible 23GB of free storage. If users have an Office 365 account too, Microsoft ups the storage space amount by another 1TB of space. OneDrive will also automatically backup your photos and videos, and it includes a handy search option to find things easily and quickly, although so does Dropbox.

There you have it, two awesome cloud storage services and apps, both with comparable features. Which one suits your needs best? Does one have some features you prefer that the other does not? Let us know what you think and whether you use either or more for personal or work purposes.