Enterprise security can be a daunting task under perfect conditions. Not only do you have to ensure that your business is able to ward off attacks from those who seek to infiltrate your networks in an effort to obtain customer data, proprietary software, research and development projects, or to insert malware, but you have to ensure that your systems meet various regulatory laws and best practices for security and data retention. And while all of this may be stressful it was, for the most part, manageable. Then it happened; the bring your own device (BYOD) revolution. Suddenly enterprise networks were ablaze with new devices that had not been vetted and secured by IT running loose on the corporate network. With new devices came new challenges to security that can sometimes be difficult to deal with.
According to CellTrust, a global traceable and mobile communication company, they will be showing off the CellTrust SecureLine for Good at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. This security solution for the enterprise will bring an added layer of protection and security to the Samsung Knox platform. During Mobile World Congress, they are seeing to demonstrate a solution to the challenges of BYOD and the need for corporate IT to maintain accountability for auditing and regulation purposes, while increasing productivity for employees by allowing them the convenience of using their personal devices to get the job done.
To accomplish this, CellTrust will utilize the Good Dynamics SDK wich will allow CellTrust SecureLine for Good to have powerful SMS, messaging and voice applications for the BYOD enterprise market. Good is a globally trusted secure mobile platform that is used by many fortune 100 companies. This technology will keep employee and corporate data separate so that the enterprise is able to achieve the level of security needed to meet certain compliance requirements, and allow for employee personal data to remain private from their company. When combined with devices protected by Samsung Knox, data is kept secure and protected.
The Good-secured mobile environment allows for all of this secure transactions to happen. According to CellTrust, each employee will have a separate business phone number. This number is used inside the mobile applications environment to allow for voice, text, and email solutions to operate encrypted and safe while on the device or during transmission. It will also allow for secure removal of data should the device become lost or stolen, or if the employee leaves the company. With more and more demand for IT professionals to make BYOD more secure and more productive, the need for better and more secure solutions to protect sensitive data becomes greater. Secure structures such as CellTrust SecureLine for Good help IT professionals stay on top of their corporate compliance needs while maintaining employee privacy and giving the folks in IT some relief.