Google Glass Could Be Looking At More Of An Enterprise Approach For Future Growth

Google Glass had its time of capturing the public’s attention and arousing some excitement over the next generation of technology and connectivity. Google Glass wasn’t just about consumers though, many businesses bought into the Glass Explorer program as well to get their hands on a unit(s)and get started with developing some sort of way to have Glass interact with their business. Glass even saw usage from universities as it was being incorporated into the teaching for some schools. It’s been used in surgical procedures, even by popular TV chef Jamie Oliver as he proceeded to show the world from a “point of view” angle how to make a summer salad.

Google Glass wasn’t loved by all consumers though, and it attracted its fair share of negative media attention. Perhaps then this partially led Glass down the road that ultimately landed it in the position it is in now, with a closed off Explorer program and a new direction with new goals. Google Glass is all but dead, in fact according to Tech Crunch it’s finding new life in the enterprise sector and will be continuing to see support from Google in this area. In a statement from Pristine, which is a company who is aiming to make wearables a thing we see in commercial workplaces, Pristine CEO Kyle Samani stated that “Glass is alive and well. Despite the CFO’s comments in January, the Glass team is growing, Google is working more closely with us than ever before and is committed to the success of Glass in the enterprise. They are supporting our aggressive growth plans actively,”

There have been rumors that Google could be looking to make more of a commercial push with Google Glass and this could be more indication that commercializing the head worn wearables is part of their forward moving game plan. Even if Glass ends up emerging more in the business side of things, that doesn’t mean we won’t end up seeing a consumer model some point in the future. Right now, there is really no telling what exactly Google’s plans are for Glass, other than the fact they wanted new leadership over the project with Tony Fadell, who wants to redesign Glass from the ground up.