Google Updating Contacts, Releases Preview With Better Merged Information And Ability To Delete Duplicate Contacts

In a world where you now have a number of different android devices, all containing information about your contacts that you pick up, things can get confusing. Well, to help assist users with contact information, Google have today announced (and shown off) a preview of their updated Google Contacts feature within Gmail. The update looks to congregate all your contact information and group it in a more manageable way. To do this, the new update includes a few new features.

The first notable feature is that Google Contacts will pull everyone that your Gmail shows that you talk to the most. These will appear as your ‘most frequently contacted’, allowing users to more easily find a frequent contact when needed. The second notable feature offered is what Google are dubbing ‘Find Duplicates’ feature. This one is rather self-explanatory and will let you know when you have a duplicate listing for the same person. Once found, the new Contacts update, will offer you the opportunity to merge the duplicate contact information so that you only have the one all-inclusive contact information for any particular person. Interestingly, the Gmail announcement (source link below) also advises that Contacts will add missing contact information that is shown on your contact’s Google profile. Last up, as well as integrating all contact information, the new Contacts will also integrate any additional communications you have had with your contact. For instance, if you have a meeting recently or sent an email, then this information will show up in the contact card for that person.

The update is being released as a preview and will be rolling out to users over the coming weeks. Not to mention, this is currently only offered for the Web version of Gmail. The announcement does state they are working on the app version and this will follow in due course. If you are eager to see how your profile will look or to get rid of any unwanted duplicates now, then you can access a preview of your new Contacts by clicking this link. Let us know what you think.