Moovit, a local transit application, announce that they will enter the wearable market by offering their popular transit application technology to Android Wear. The company has designed its smartwatch application from the ground up to utilize the full amount of available screen real estate and to bring the consumer the right information at the right time. The application will present local transit riders with actionable information such as service alerts, schedules and stops for nearby lines. You can also receive information on lines that you have favorited on the Moovit smartphone application.
As stated, the features of this smartwatch application will provide the user with actionable information. This information will allow riders to keep their phone in their pocket while still providing them a wealth of information. For example, it will provide the user with information on nearby stops giving the user an overhead view of what is around them and what stops are close. It will also allow for access to live itineraries. This will allow users to access their favorite lines to view arrival and departure times. You can also receive service alerts and advisories so that you can keep informed of any service interruptions that could add time or force you to alter your route.
Features such as these are well suited for the smartwatch market. With smartphone theft, a serious problem, especially on public transit systems, the ability to keep your phone in your pocket is a nice feature. Applications such as Moovit will no doubt be of great assistance as we go about the daily grind of making our way to work and home every day. The Moovit application for smartwatches, which has around 15 million users and works in over 500 cities in over 50 countries, is expected to be released on Android Wear in the second quarter of 2015. It is also being released on Apple’s watch around the time that is released. The company is seeking to make this as available to as many people as possible. What do you think about applications such as Moovit? Will you use it to make your trip easier, or will you continue to use your smartphone for transit information? Let us know what you think.