New Recents Mod Offers A KitKat Like "Close All" Function To Lollipop Devices

If you are one of the lucky ones who have seen your device updated to Android 5.0 (Lollipop) then you are already enjoying the benefits of the new system. If you have not yet seen the update, then don’t worry. Updates are rolling out far more often and soon enough your device will be covered. Not to mention, if you are on of the very few if you have seen you device updated to Android 5.1, which is pretty much just Nexus devices at the moment (although Motorola are reported to have begun their soak testing), then you will already be enjoying fixes and performances that the other Lollipop users have yet to experience.

That said, those on Lollipop have found reasons to complain. While most of the features, functions and abilities are greatly improved over Android 4.4 (KitKat), not all of them have been. In fact, some users would argue that some features have actually gone backwards instead of forwards. A prime example of this, is the ongoing ‘Silent Mode‘ issue where users cannot silence their phone without silencing aspects like the alarm. Another prime example is the recents menu.

While the recents menu does on Lollipop look much better, with a cleaner and more Card like appearance, it is missing one vital KitKat function. the ability to ‘clear all’. Instead, you have to manually close each still open app. Well, one of the folks over at XDA has managed to create a MOD which brings a floating ‘close all’ button to your Lollipop recnets menu. This will be a great addition to those who miss the ability to mass close all opened apps. If you want to give the MOD a try then you can by clicking the source link below. However, a couple of points to note. The MOD is listed on the Sony device thread, so there is no guarantee that it will work on other manufacturer’s devices. At least not without being modified first. Not to mention, you do need to be rooted to be able to install the MOD successfully. Other that that, the MOD is available to download now and is noted working fine on the Xperia Z2, Z3 and Z3 Compact. Click the source link below to find out more.