OnePlus One in India Will Receive the CM12S Update via OTA

Confirmed by one of the co-founders of OnePlus, Carl Pei answered a question from a OnePlus One user in India about CyanogenMod 12S coming to India on the OnePlus One. Now we have heard all kinds of rumors about CM11S and CM12S in India after Cyanogen made that agreement with Micromax, which Micromax decided they wanted exclusive rights to the software. But it appears that OnePlus One users in India will be getting the update to CyanogenMod 12S which will be based on Android 5.x Lollipop.

As always, there’s no timeline for when the update will be available to OnePlus One users, however, we do know that CM12S is going to be available this week for the US. So it shouldn’t be too much longer for OnePlus’ Indian users to get the update. We should also see their Oxygen OS available over there shortly.

Recently, we reported that OnePlus would begin offering the One in India on Amazon without an invite on March 24th (which given the timezone, it’s actually March 24th in India, when this is written). So OnePlus One is about to get even more popular over in India, and really showing their Indian users some love. Which is always nice to see. OnePlus has had a bit of a bumpy road, but it looks like the company is starting to get on track and doing things the right way. Not that some of the ways they got headlines last year was the wrong way, but we’d definitely like to see that invite system go away. Interesting to see that it’s gone in India, while the rest of the world still has to get an invite to buy the OnePlus One. Carl Pei even told us in January that with their future products, it’ll be invite only as well, at least for the foreseeable future. That is to control inventory, seeing as they are a brand new company, or a startup.

We should be getting a nice look at CyanogenMod 12S later this week. And we’ll be sure to have full hands on with that update to the OnePlus One as soon as it’s available.