Reports Emerge Suggesting Verizon Customers Already Starting To Receive Their Nexus 6 Orders

When Google unveiled their latest Nexus smartphone, the Google Nexus 6, many future owners were immediately ready to purchase. The device did come with a high price tag, but it was still a new Nexus. Well, for those on the Verizon network, the idea of a Nexus 6 on their network has almost reached a mythical status. This is as the device has still not technically landed on the carrier. Verizon, like all the other networks, were keen to let it be known that they would be carrying the Nexus 6 on their network, however, putting that availability into practise has become somewhat of an arduous task.

Since the release, and since being made available on all other networks, Verizon has slowly but surely managed to bring the elusive Nexus 6 to their customers. The last month in particular, has been the busiest in terms of the slow-approaching of the Nexus 6. Leaked images of the carrier stamp on the device emerged. This was followed by a video being leaked which seemed to show what was originally supposed to be a Feb 26th launch date. This was further followed by more leaked images which seem to show launch merchandising material turning up in Verizon third party stores. Then, finally the good news came last week when customers were able to pre-order their device from March 12th. However, this was only a pre-order with shipping expecting to be fulfilled March 18th onwards.

Well, the latest in what does seem to be the final closing chapter between Verizon and the Nexus 6, is some Verizon customers who did pre-order, have already received their shipping confirmation suggesting their devices are already en-route, ahead of the March 18th date. With some detailed as including an expected delivery date for tomorrow. In fact, Droid Life, who have received the updated information from Verizon customers, even have one customer who stated they have already received their device. So, if you have been waiting for your Version stamped Nexus 6 to finally make its way to you, chances are, it will very soon. That is, if it has not already. Did you order a Nexus 6 on Verizon? Any news on your shipping? Let us know.