As we’re covering what’s going on at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, some people are already wondering what will LG release in April. As you probably already know, LG won’t be releasing their upcoming G4 flagship at this year’s MWC, but will hold a separate event (most probably) next month. LG did this in order to avoid both Samsung and HTC who have announced their new flagship devices yesterday, and also Apple which will probably follow LG and announce their new flagship. “Samsung usually releases its new flagship model in the first quarter of each year, and Apple in the second quarter. We need some in-between time to make a bigger splash,” said one of LG’s executives. Anyhow, there’s still quite some time until LG announces the LG G4, but a new concept video has landed, so, let’s see what’s it all about.
Everyone likes to see a nice concept design, and this G4 concept definitely falls into that category. The designer has provided a video for you to watch as well, and you can find that embedded below the article, along with a gallery full of images of this device. The designer didn’t share any particular specs here, only the nicely designed device for us to enjoy. Let us know what you think of this design, and keep in mind that this is not LG G4’s final design, these concept renders are great and everything, but they’re just a fruit of designer’s imagination and inspiration.
Regarding the LG G4 launch, LG executive said the following at the LG’s quarterly results press conference: “We rolled out the G3 in May last year so we do not plan to unveil the G4 at this year’s Mobile World Congress and [will] spend more time perfecting the new phone.” There you have it folks, some G4 content in the middle of the MWC madness for you to look at and wonder what will the G4 look like in the end. Let us know what you think of this concept in the comments down below, we’d love to hear from you, as usual.