Vodafone Predict Summer Launch For UK VoLTE and Wi-Fi Calling Services

Vodafone have announced today that their VoLTE service is slowing edging closer. 4G, which is currently the fastest commercially available network speed is much more widely used in the UK, these days. Although this is largely used for data transfer only. However, carriers are keen to adopt 4G services for voice calls, Voice over LTE (VoLTE) soon enough. In particular, both EE and Vodafone have been pushing forward their attempts at bringing VoLTE to the UK market. EE announced back in June of last year that they were due to begin their testing of VoLTE. While Vodafone were not too far behind also announced their laboratory testing of VoLTE services back in August of last year.

Today’s announcement was to confirm that they are beginning the process of transitioning over from the testing phase to a more commercial rollout. In particular, the news is that Vodafone expects their VoLTE service to begin rolling out by the summer of this year. This will mean that Vodafone customers will be able to experience a far greater degree of clarity when making voice calls. At present, customers are largely dependent on making voice calls over 2G and 3G networks. The employment of VoLTE will offer a connection speed which is up to 3 times faster than what is experienced. That is, as long as a stable 4G network can be maintained and achieved in your area.

To add to the VoLTE announcement, Vodafone also announced that they also expect to begin rolling out voice calls over Wi-Fi by the summer as well. Unlike the VoLTE service rolling out, the Wi-Fi calling based option will look to provide users in more remote locations a better way to make stable voice calls. In particular, for those who suffer in areas of poor cell coverage, they will be able to use their Wi-Fi signal to connect to and make calls without the need of a third party app or service. Instead, the Wi-Fi calling service will be far more native. So if Vodafone’s time-frame is achieved and with the summer slowly approaching in the UK, it won’t be too long before Vodafone customers can expect faster 4G and Wi-Fi based calling.