Google are known to be a company who likes to indulge in the usual. This indulging usually makes its way into various Google services and then on to the end user. Google Maps is no exception. Cast your mind back a couple of weeks to April Fool’s Day and you will remember that Google turned Maps into a retro version of Maps equipped with a complete and full version of Pac-Man. You could literally find your street and play Pac-Man on the roads you drive and walk down every day.
Well, just because April Fool’s Day has come and gone, does not mean that Google are finished with Maps and its strange additions. In fact, the newest addition might be the strangest of them all, as it seems Google has joined in the hunt for Scotland’s most elusive resident, the Loch Ness monster, or to those more familiar, Nessie. Yep, today Google announced that Maps now includes the ability to search the depths and length of Loch Ness using Google’s Street View mode. This means you can also trawl the depths of the Lock and see if you can spot Nessie for yourself.
The legend of Nessie dates far back in Scotland. In fact, in 1934 one of the most famous images of Nessie was published. The image was reportedly taken by Robert Kenneth Wilson and supposedly showed the head and neck of Nessie. The photograph soon became known as the ‘Surgeon’s Photograph’ and quickly went on to be the most well-known and documented sighting of Nessie. That was until the image was debunked back in the 1970s. In fact, this image is the reason as to why Google has chosen today as the day to unveil the new Street View addition. It was this day (April 21st) in 1934 when the image was first published. As such, to mark the anniversary, the feature has gone live and everyone can now join in. Above is an image we found which looks rather interesting. You can check out if you can find Nessie by clicking here or alternatively click the source link below to read Google’s announcement in full or watch the video below.