While there are many cloud storage services and applications out there for use, Google Drive is one of the more widely adopted because of it’s inter-connectivity with people’s Google accounts. Just this afternoon Google Drive begun receiving updates for users alongside other apps associated with Google’s own office suite options, Docs, Sheets, and Slides, and you can find the download apk for Drive in that earlier story here. As for the changes made to Drive, they may or may not be more useful than those that came to the other three apps listed here, or they may be equally as important. It all depends on what you use the most.
In Drive’s latest update, users will find that Google has added in the usual bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance the overall user experience of the application, but now Android users of Drive will have an even easier time sharing files with those who they want to have access, as today’s Drive update now allows for sharing to be done from the notifications panel for recently uploaded Drive files. If you use Drive fairly consistently, you’ve probably noticed that any time you upload a new picture, video or other type of file to Drive from your Android device, a notification finds its way into the tray you can drag down from the status bar up top.
Now after the update, users will see a “share” option allowing them to add people to the file to grant them access. There is also the option to share a link if you simply just want to share the file with someone but not give them access to make comments or edits. Prior to this update, all you would get is a notification with the status of the upload. Also new in the latest update, Drive now supports 23 new languages including Armenian, Basque, Chinese (Hong Kong), French (Canada), Georgian, Khmer, and Malayalam as well as others. Google mentions that the update will take the next week to roll out to all users, so as we stated above you can grab the new update via the apk download from our earlier post which we linked to above.