Chrome has always been a minimalist browser offering up a fast alternative to other offerings on the market, and since its inception six years ago it’s grown into an improved and ever more useful tool, evolving from more than just a desktop web browser into offering a web-based OS platform, mobile app, and tools that benefit people in the workplace. Usually with new changes coming to Chrome, Google would reserve a spot at their annual Google I/O developer conference for big Chrome related improvements or new features, and they may still talk about Chrome to some degree at Google I/O this year.
Google is somewhat shifting the landscape for Chrome announcements though. Starting on April 22nd, 2015, Google will be holding an online event called Chrome Live, their first ever online conference event that at least this time (assuming they have more Chrome Live events in the future) seems to be focused on Chrome in the workplace. The event will host two keynotes which can be viewed through an online stream, each with their own speaker and topic. Amit Singh who is Google’s President of Google For Work will be discussing how Chrome for Work is transforming the way businesses operate, and he’ll also be showing off a handful of new products to be introduced as new Chrome for Work offerings. The second keynote will be led by Google’s Director of Product Management for Chrome for Work Rajen Sheth. With Sheth’s keynote there will be some focus on how devices have altered how people work, the rest is left up to secrecy as Google merely explains that there may be “a few surprises in store.”
Besides the keynotes, Google will be showing off management demos and live deployment from Chrome team experts, and there will also be talks from IT industry leaders from various top name companies like Netflix, Chico’s, and Pinterest, who will be discussing the benefits of integrating devices with the cloud and showing IT admin how to simplify the every day operations, turning mundane tasks into a streamlined and efficient process. There will be more to see during the event and Google is already making registration a possibility. The good news is all you need to do if you’re interested in viewing is register, no payment or physical attendance needed since it’s all happening online. It begins on Wednesday, April 22nd at 10 a.m. PST, so mark your calendars.