John Legere is the CEO of T-Mobile, but that doesn’t stop him from doing some pretty crazy and out-of-the-box things. For example, you may have seen his recent tiff with Donald Trump via Twitter over a comment that Trump said, which ultimately caused John Legere to leave his Trump-owned hotel that he was staying at. All of this took place very publicly on Twitter and John Legere didn’t really seem to care, this causes some people to love him and others to hate him. Now, John Legere is at it again. Calling out AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint through a vlog that he posted on T-Mobile’s YouTube channel this morning.
In this vlog that John Legere made, he talks about the other three major US carriers “despicable practice” that is charging customers overage fees. John Legere sees overage fees as nothing more than a giant money-grab by the other three carriers. In fact, he points out that AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have collectively taken approximately $1.5 billion from their customers just in overage fees in the past year. What’s even worse, according to Legere, is that Verizon does things such as offering customers to stream things such as NFL games for free, but then charges them when this streaming eats through their data and puts them over their cap. He then points out that this horrible practice will continue with new live-streaming apps like Periscope and Meerkat.
Overage fees must be an issue that John Legere really cares about, as this is the second time he has called the other three carriers on it. The vlog that Legere posted this morning comes about a year after he got rid of overage fees at T-Mobile and created a petition on that people could sign, in an attempt to get other carriers to eliminate overage fees as well. In Legere’s vlog this morning, he mentioned that this petition currently has approximately 200,000 signees and that AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint have all done nothing about overage fees yet. Legere won’t settle for this, he now is calling for 50,000 more signees on this petition. If he achieves this, he promises that he will send the other carriers a message “that they won’t miss.” He then goes on to mention that said message could be anything from a message written in the sky above AT&T headquarters to a giant greeting card delivered to the front door of Verizon.