Qualcomm Release HealthyCircles App to Give Medical Advice to Patients at Home


You might think of Qualcomm as just the company that designs and ships the Snapdragon processors that make devices like the HTC One M9 possible, but they’re also much more than that. An innovative company, Qualcomm holds a massive amount of patents where mobile technology is concerned, and beyond that. Qualcomm Life, one of the company’s subsidiaries is announcing a new mobile app for both Android and iOS this week, one that will enable patients transitioning from Hospital to their homes, yet are still in need of continued care.

The HealthyCircles app has been designed to offer “personalized mobile care experience for patients who need it the most: people with chronic conditions and those transitioning from hospital to the home” according to James Mault, MD F.A.C.S., vice president and chief medical officer, Qualcomm Life, Inc. HealthyCircles is a private-level application, and will be tailored to the patient and their physician when they first get started with the app. Rather than an app to help people stay fit or something similar, this can be considered an app to carry on care outside of Hospital with the same sort of professional level of advice and guidance.

Questions about security can be answered thanks to the use of Qualcomm Life’s 2net service which is itself an FDA-listed Class I MDDS secure gateway that connects to all sorts of sensors and devices to provide accurate data on a patient. This information will help HealthyCircles create a detailed picture about a patient’s health and over time we’re sure it’ll only get better. The app will serve as a reminder to do exercise for those in rehabilitation or to take their medicine on time. It’s essentially like having a nurse on your smartphone or tablet right there when you need it. HealthyCircles will make sure that people don’t miss their appointments, that they keep on track and it’ll provide patients with a lifeline when they need it. More information can be found at the source link below.