Android App Updates 29/05/15 – VoiceDial, TV Remote And More

Atkins’ New Mobile App Helps You Count Carbs

Atkins Nutritionals has released a new mobile app which lets you track you  carbohydrate intake, as well as plan meals, build shopping lists, etc. It can monitor net carbs, protein, fat and fiber. The Carb Counter will display the color-coded alerts if you’re above or below your carb target, and it can also sync with wearable fitness trackers like Fitbit and Jawbone. Click here if you’re interested in checking out Atkins’ new fitness app.

Android TV Remote Gets Significant Layout Improvements In 1.1 Version

The Android TV Remote app by Google was okay thus far, though it did have some formatting problems and didn’t look all that well on tablets. Well, the app just got a lot better. The app actually centers the interface on tablets this time around, and generally brings polish to the interface, the app looks a lot nicer now. The new update is already available on the Google Play Store, so simply check if it’s ready for your device.

VoiceDial Is A New App Which Offers Hands-Free Voice Dialling

Sensory Applications has added a new app to the Google Play Store called VoiceDial. This app supports regional language models, trigger words and speech in high-noise environments. It always listens to what’s going on in order to catch the trigger word and place a call. This is a true hands-free voice dialing application. There are a number of additional features available which you can check out by clicking here.