From developers looking to get their applications further downloaded to smartphones to consumers that enjoy recommending apps to their friends, App Invites may revolutionize how applications are spread around. App Invites is a new tool that allows developers to better optimize their applications for consumers to share with their friends and family. Better yet, the system will be able to generate who in your contact list will be interested in the application and whether an SMS or email is preferred for sending out the application recommendation.
App Invites will offer tools that will allow developers to bypass the need to optimize and create unique tools for consumers to share their application and what contacts is recommended for that app. Rather than showcasing your contact list as a means to share an application, App Invites is able to generate data from applications like Gmail and Google Hangouts to determine just which contacts would find the application of use and interest. Take for example applications based around cooking. App Invites would be able to pull up the ideal candidates within your contact list that enjoy the culinary arts. Also, as mentioned, the application would suggest either an SMS or email invite and to top it off, consumers can personalize the message for your recipient to read. Those who receive an application invite, App Invites makes downloading the application extremely simple. Instead of clicking on a link that would often take you to a web browser page instead of Google Play, a download link is included right in the SMS and email, thus bypassing the web browser completely.
Developers will also have a fine set of tools to better suit them through App Invites. With the application added in, developers can see a wide range of analytic charts. For example, a developer can go through and see how many invites were sent out, how many of those were accepted to even seeing just how many times their application was downloaded strictly through App Invites. Currently, App Invites is only in beta right now but with UrbanSitter, Yummly, The CW, Coinbase and Picsart already taking part. If you’re a developer and want to try out App Invites for your application then you can find out more by clicking the source link below and heading over to the Google Developers webpage.