Dropbox Receives Material Design Inspired Update

Since Google unveiled Material Design, apps (and most other android based offerings) have been actively looking to try and bring more of a Material Design look and feel to their respective offerings. This is, of course, what Google was hoping for. However, the addition of the new Material Design look and feel takes some apps longer to get up-to-date than others. That said, almost on a daily (at the very least, weekly) basis, comes the news of the latest app(s) receiving their Material Design update. Today, that news is coming in the form of Dropbox.

Dropbox is one of the more popular cloud-based storage apps and as such, those who rely on the service will be more than happy to hear the news that the app has now received a much more Material Design inspired look and feel. As such, there are a number of attractive changes in effect. Of course, none of these impact too much on the functionality of the app which largely remains the same. However, the aesthetic improvements to make the app look more visually appealing and do provide very minor improvements in terms of navigating around the app.

The first and most major difference you will notice after updating is that the tab formation at the top of the app is gone. Instead, the app on first opening, does not show any menu information and this is now hidden away within the side slide out menu. Once opened, this is where you will notice the immediate makeover with a clear Material Design influence, user icon, name, email and then the relative navigation tabs. The app does seem to have already begun updating for some user and therefore, will likely hit your device in due course, if it has not already. If you would rather push the update to your device then you can by downloading the app from the link below and sideloading to your device. In the meantime, you can see a brief example of the visual change on offer below. It should be quite clear which image is the more Material Design influenced one, the left image.

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