Google Publishes Schedule for I/O 2015

Google I/O is just a few weeks away, actually. It takes place in San Francisco at the Moscone West center on May 28th and 29th. This is typically where Google announces a new version of Android as well as various updates to their other products and even some new products. Last year we saw Android L (later named Lollipop) get previewed, as well as more Chrome experiments, and even VR. This is really where the whole VR thing started, with Google Cardboard. After that we saw Samsung, and HTC releasing their own VR units. The biggest question is always, what is Google going to give out at Google I/O this year? We care more about what they are going to announce. Any predictions?

Today, Google has updated the Google I/O 2015 site with the schedule for 2015. And before we talk about the schedule, that site looks SLICK. Google has built the site in material design – of course why wouldn’t they? As you’ll notice the Keynote starts at 9:30am on the 28th, and then sessions start promptly at 12-noon. So we’re looking at about a 2 and a half hour keynote this year. That likely will go over its allotted time though, as it normally does. If you click on the “Day 1” and “Day 2” links at the top, you can see what exact sessions are going on at what times. You can also add them to your schedule. Making it easier to plan your time at Google I/O. The schedule may look a bit empty right now, but it’s important to remember that many more sessions will be opening up after the keynote. And that’s simply to keep from giving out all the goodies before the keynote.

We’ll be at Google I/O this year, and will be at the Keynote to see what Google has to show us. We’re definitely excited for Android M to be previewed. We’re about 3 weeks out from Google I/O 2015. Can you feel the excitement? It’s the biggest time of the year for Android fans, and developers. If you are heading to Google I/O this year, be sure to say hi to us!