HTC: Why Pay for Phone Protection, Our UH OH Protection is FREE

When HTC unveiled their new One M9 smartphone this year, they also announced their new HTC UH-OH Protection plan.  Manufacturers always give you a limited warranty and many users find out just how ‘limited’ the warranty is when something happens to their device – whether it’s the user’s fault or not, while other charge you a fee.  HTC’s new UH OH Protection is designed for those Uh Oh moments that naturally come up in life.  What is especially nice is that when you purchase your HTC One M9 (or even a new One M8), the UH OH Protection is a FREE service from HTC for one year from the date of purchase.  If you crack your screen or suffer water damage, HTC will replace it FREE and cost you nada, zero… well you get the picture.  Not only that, but if you decide to switch carriers, HTC will still replace your the One M9!  The topper to this whole deal is if you make it through an entire year without having to use your UH OH Protection, HTC will give you $100 towards the purchase of your next HTC One.

President of HTC America Jason Mackenzie believes that other manufacturers view product protection as just another way to make money off their customers by selling them a protection policy… and profiting from their customers’ misfortunate.  If you ever have to use the service protection you’ve already paid for on a monthly basis, there is usually a deductible to pay before your device is fixed.  HTC wants to make sure that they take care of their customers, even if they have an Uh Oh moment, so it will not cost you any money.

The process is a simple one – if you have an UH OH moment, contact customer service 8AM – 1AM ET at 866-449-8358 or Chat Live.  You will get your replacement the next business day BEFORE you send the damaged unit back…a $299 hold is placed on your credit card until HTC receives your damaged phone.  If you cannot swing the deposit, send in your damaged phone first with a prepaid label and receive your new device within two days after HTC receives your damaged phone – no credit card required.  Once you received your new phone, just insert the sim card from your old phone into your new device and follow the prompts and if you backed up your phone before it was damaged, you can easily restore your settings and data.

HTC has put together a list (below) that compares the different manufacturer’s programs, such as – Samsung Protection Plus Mobile Elite, Apple Care, LG G4 Screen Replacement Incentive and Droid Turbo Screen Assurance.