Every week sees a number of Google announcements coming through. These are more typical update announcements and also more typically, arrive on a Wednesday. Well, in spite of today being Monday, there has already been a couple of announcements coming down the wire. The first and probably biggest of the day was the confirmation that the highly reported on, feature for Google+, Collections, had finally gone live for everyone. This feature introduces the ability to interact with Collections based posts, as well as the more common groups and individual person posts.
Following on from the Collections announcement, Google also announced today that they have purchased an app which goes by the name ‘Timeful’. The most interesting aspect of this announcement is that Timeful is an iOS only app. However, with today’s announcement came the news that now and going forward, Timeful will be focusing their efforts on Google projects and services. Therefore, it is highly expected that various Google services and apps (Gmail, Inbox, Calendar, Keep and so on) will likely see some Timeful integration incoming in the near(ish) future.
Well, another announcement is now coming through about an update which has already begun rolling out to the Play Store app (version 5.5). The latest news comes from known announcer, Kirill Grouchnikov. It is not clear as to what will be included in the update, although one feature which is being introduced is a change in one of the animations. With the update, a new generic circular transition animation will be in effect. You can see how the animation will look and work in the gif image above, which was provided by Grouchnikov to highlight how the animation will look. The animation will adopt the circular image to more neatly transition between the two screens and does so quite nicely. At the moment, it seems that this only might be visible to those running Android 5.1 (Lollipop), as this seems to be the case with ‘transitions’ in general. Either way, you can read Grouchnikov Google+ post and the comments by clicking the source link below. If you are running Android 5.1 then you should see the new animation taking effect soon enough.