Last year was an interesting time in the mobile space. Apple finally embraced larger displays, Android manufacturers like LG and Samsung continued to one-up Apple with Quad HD displays, Motorola gave us near full customization of our smartphones and Android Wear finally arrived. There was one other interesting saga that dominated much of early 2014, and that was OnePlus, a Chinese startup that took a grassroots approach to designing, building, selling and marketing a smartphone. Marketing has been where much of the attention surrounding the OnePlus One has been, as for a small company with very little marketing budget, they’ve sure made a lot of noise. Now, in their latest move, they want to take on Verizon Wireless.
You see, in the war between T-Mobile and Verizon, the hashtag of “#neversettle” started to be used by Verizon Wireless, one of the United States’ largest wireless carriers. Verizon started using the “Never Settle” slogan in their advertising to emphasise the point that while Verizon might be a little more expensive, you don’t need to settle for slower data, poor coverage or even call drops on their network, as you might with others. Predictably, T-Mobile retaliated with some amusing “Never Settle Trail” and the whole thing spiralled from there.
OnePlus isn’t happy though, because you see, OnePlus was first. They started to use the Never Settle slogan to gain attention and basically let people know that their phone has it all, giving users the ability to well, not have to settle for less. OnePlus currently has a site up asking people to register for a Thunderclap that will go out on Twitter on June 8th, effectively making – yes, that’s right! – even more noise. The approach is somewhat admirable, as OnePlus say that this should “show them why you don’t mess with the little guys” and it’s already reached roughly 75% of its required reach. Of course, without a trademark application, there’s not much that Verizon have done wrong, really. Still, this should be pretty entertaining to get the summer started, and those looking to pledge support can do so at the source link.