AH Dev: Executing your App Marketing Plan

We’ve already talked about marketing your app, as well as Android monetization for your app. But how do you put those tips, and that plan into action? As usual, there’s an easy way and a hard way. The easy way is to have a team to delegate different parts of your plan too, but not everyone has a team of people behind their app. We’ll be giving you some tips today on how to execute your marketing plan to perfection, and gaining tons of downloads for your app.

Create a Marketing Plan

We’ve already covered this, but it’s important to look over it again. You’ll want to market it on Social media, including Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and others. You’ll also want to send out the material to websites to cover your app launch.

Creating a Budget for Marketing

It’s important to have a budget, not just for marketing, as it allows you to spend wisely and keep investing in your business. Which is always important. When creating your budget for marketing your app, you need to also look at what each step of your plan is going to cost. For example, if you’re planning on promoting your app on Twitter using Promoted Tweets, you need to look and see how much that will cost you to get a decent number of eyes on that Tweet. And so on and so forth. That is a huge factor into your budget.

Assigning Tasks to Others

If you are by yourself, this tip won’t really help as you are doing it all yourself. However, if you have a team, even if it’s just one other person, it’s a good idea to spread out the tasks for marketing the app. This way it allows you to still develop your app, fix bugs, and such, while still marketing the app. Another important tip is giving tasks to team members that work best with their skillset. For example, if you have someone on your team that has a degree in marketing, it might be best to put them in charge of your marketing plan.

Creating Marketing Content

Before we even get to marketing your app, you need content. Whether that’s a press release, screenshots, a video, or even just some Tweets and Status Updates you’ve put together, that should be done ahead of time. That way you can move on with marketing your app or game. It’s also a good idea to pick out a hashtag to use on your app’s marketing campaign. One that can be used across all of social media, not just Twitter. It helps build recognition of your app.

Spreading the News

Now that you have created marketing content for your app or game. Now it’s time to spread the word. This can be done in a number of ways. The most common way is to reach out to relative websites, that cover Android Apps and Games, and see if they would be interested in covering the launch of your app. You can even send it to them early under embargo. Make sure you send them a press release as well as some screenshots. Some might ask for an APK so they can get their own pictures of the app for their article.