HotelTonight Expands
This week, popular Hotel finder app, HotelTonight expanded to the Caribbean and Australia. So now if you are traveling to Australia, you can use the HotelTonight app to find you a great deal on a hotel at the last minute. Pretty sweet.
Pushbullet Announces Portal
Pushbullet had their first big announcement this week, and it was in the form of another app or service. They introduced Portal. Which basically allows to send files between your smartphone and laptop, or vice versa. Which obviously is something a lot of people would love to have.
File Expert Gets Material Design Update
We saw another file manager get the material design treatment this week. It was File Expert, which is a pretty nice file manager, and even better now since it does have material design going for it. Definitely a nice update for the app.
Hello Dialer from Facebook Gets Updated
Facebook also has a dialer app, many of you probably forgot about though. It was updated this week and included a few new features like missed call notifications, contact filters and much more. You can grab the update through the Google Play Store right now, if you have been using the app.
Pulse gets a new UI
Pulse actually was a popular topic this week. The popular news reading app got an update to improve its interface, which now uses a Card-based interface. To make it easier to scroll through your news feeds. LinkedIn also brought along for the ride, better news curation. So you should be seeing better news in your feed, that’s more custom to what you would read.
Sonos Beta App Updated
Sonos is pretty popular for their HiFi speakers, and allowing you to stream directly to the speakers with a number of apps. Well this week’s update to the beta app included some great features and improvements for Premium Spotify users. Spotify users can now start radio stations from any artist, which is a big deal. Check out Sonos blog post for the full details.