For the world of developers, Android enthusiasts, and those who just enjoy BBQ and tech together, the Big Android BBQ has always been a big to-do every year since its inception. Of course, it’s grown and gotten more popular each year. Those that look forward to going are recommended to keep a close eye on when tickets are made available for purchase since space is limited, (pre-order tickets were available back at the end of April and ticket orders are now live) and this includes staying on top of when the website for the Big Android BBQ goes live, which happens to be as of today. As we speak you can already hit up the Big Android BBQ’s main page and learn all about what this year has in store for guests. Besides some really great BBQ food, naturally.
To help make this year bigger than ever, IDEEA and the Google Developers team will be attending, and they’ll be offloading tons of insightful knowledge on making apps the best they can possibly be. Those who will be at the event can expect there to be more sessions to engage, as well as “more challenges and a more in-depth examination of Android performance patterns.” The theme for this year’s event is Android performance patterns, so it makes perfect sense for this to be a big focus. Since tickets are already available if you’re planning on going now would be the time to start considering which package you’re interested in.
If you follow the source link to the main website, you’ll be able to snag tickets in a number of different packages starting from $75 for general admission, all the way up to the BBQ [x] Package at over $5,300 for some truly awesome perks. The event takes place just outside of Dallas, TX and will begin on October 22nd. It’s a two-day affair so things will carry through the following day of October 23rd. Tickets will also be available up to the start day of the event, although if you really plan on going we wouldn’t recommend waiting that long to purchase the package you’re interested in as last year some of them went rather quickly. At this point in time there are no details on the schedule or the list of speakers, but those details as well as an app should be coming down the pipe in the near future.