Burner Brings Material Design and Android Wear app in Update

Burner is one of the more popular apps for using burner numbers, or throw-away numbers, on Android. What that means is you can get a temporary number and then never use it again. The app has just hit version 3.0, and it’s actually a pretty big update. Some of the big new features is the unified inbox, as well as the Android Wear app. Not to mention it’s been redesigned and now has a material design UX.

The app, with it’s redesign, has floating action buttons as well as new colors and transitions. It looks really smooth and amazing. Of course, we all love material design here, right? Up above you can see what the app looks like now with the newest update. The update to version 3.0 also brought along the addition of unified inboxes. Obviously, this is great for those that have more than one number in Burner. So you can see texts, missed calls all in one inbox, no matter what number was called or texted. However, it does use color-coding so you can easily see which number was reached. Instead of having to tap on it to see.

The developers also have added an Android Wear app to Burner 3.0. It mostly only allows you to view notifications. However you can reply using voice commands like you would with any other messaging app on Android Wear. There’s no keyboard access here, which is great because using a keyboard on your wrist hasn’t turned out to be a fantastic experience yet.

Burner’s newest update is available on the Google Play Store right now. If you’re one that sells stuff on Craigslist often, it’s probably an app that you’ll need to have. Or you can check out Flyp, which lets you use up to 6 additional numbers. Sorta similar to Burner, but not quite. The app actually looks really good, and it’s a pretty good experience as well. Easy to use multiple numbers in the new material design app. Hit the source link below to download it from the Google Play Store.