Studies…we all love a good study, especially when it involves the Canadian carriers. Ther are very few countries whose government interferes with their wireless mobile service in an honest attempt to add competition in an effort to lower prices…but from the studies, it is difficult to see any real progress. Just last week, J.D. Power ranked how well the Canadian carriers were doing when it came to calling, messaging and data. In this latest study, a recent survey by Wall Communications, it reveals that wireless prices have rose 4-8-percent in just about every category and in just about in every plan tier. This annual study compares last year’s pricing with this year – one of the listings compares the International Mobile Wireless Price Comparison, in a listing that looks at developed countries that includes the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Australia. Once again, Canada was one of the most expensive countries, sometimes costing close to double when compared to the least expensive countries.
The Wall Survey includes five tiers of service – from a low-level plan that included only talk, to talk and text, and ones that include talk, text and data. Prices overall increased between 4 and 8-percent, however plans that included unlimited talk, text and at least 2GB of data, prices declined by 11-percent. Gerry Wall, president of the company said, “While mobile wireless prices are generally higher than last year, since 2008 when the price comparison study was first conducted, prices for talk & text service plans are 20% lower and higher-volume talk, text & data plans are 24% lower overall, whereas low-volume talk-only plans have increased by 14%.”
Some other highlights show that new entrants – WIND Mobile, Mobilicity, Videotron and Eastlink – are roughly 25 to 50-percent cheaper than comparable plans on Bell, Rogers and TELUS and the largest price difference are within the unlimited and high data plans. The side or “flanker” brands, such as Rogers’ Fido, Bell’s Virgin and TELUS’ Koodo are about 10 to 25-percent cheaper than their ‘parent’ plans. The lowest prices are in the Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, especially the higher tiered plans. The best roaming rates are part of a “sharing” plan, such as Rogers’ Roam Like Home option.