It is no secret that Microsoft is having trouble selling their Windows Phone…among other things. However, all of that may change if we are to believe leakster MSFTNerd’s Twitter account – Microsoft may instead offer an Android smartphone with particular Microsoft apps and services pre-loaded. This makes a lot of sense as Microsoft could use their Nokia connection to produce a high quality device to compete against the Samsungs, LGs and HTCs. An awesome phone with an awesome camera and running an awesome OS. It could work, but is merely speculation at this point, but many signs are pointing in that direction.
It is amazing that companies as large and powerful as a Microsoft or even a corporation like Sony and to a lesser degree Nokia and BlackBerry could let their smartphone business fall to the wayside. Especially when consumers are sitting on the sidelines watching it happen, almost in slow motion as we cry out, Nooooooo! I suppose we can blame Nokia on both their own BODs and then once Microsoft got in via Stephen Elop, he slammed the coffin door and once he took Nokia back to Microsoft they nailed that coffin shut. BlackBerry was definitely caused by poor management that took a great company and device and drove them into the ground.
It is also no secret that Microsoft has been making some changes lately, nudging up to Samsung with possibly a joint effort of some sort to expand its suite of apps to Android as well as free OneDrive – offering these both on the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge. Microsoft’s new CEO, Satya Nadella, realizes that they need to provide their services on all platforms if they are to survive in the mobile world – the old adage, if you can’t beat them, then join them, is very appropriate in this case. Microsoft Office should have been available long ago for Android, before Google Docs got a strong foothold, but it is not too late, as many users still use MS Office at work every day…Outlook, Word and PowerPoint are enterprise staples.
Besides the deal to pre-load their services on the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, new rumors are out there suggesting Microsoft and Google would partner up to have Google develop specific versions of Google Maps, YouTube and Search for the Microsoft PC OS. Microsoft is going through some tough restructuring and nobody is sure what condition their Mobile division or Office suite will finally morph into, but it will be interesting to see what happens under Nadella’s guidance.