T-Mobile's Mobile Hotspot Changes Affect All Accounts

So last week, we reported that T-Mobile had some pretty interesting announcements lined up for this week. And one of those was bumping up mobile hotspot on unlimited accounts. However, today, TmoNews is stating that one of their sources reached out to them with a memo from corporate stating that all  T-Mobile plans will be affected. The memo said that starting June 12th, all active plans will have Mobile Hotspot enabled, even those that didn’t before, “impact Postpaid, Prepaid, Simple Choice No Credit, Business/Government Individual-Liable, and employees.” So that means those on Simply Prepaid who didn’t have mobile hotspot before, will have it after the 12th, which is this Friday.

We’re not hearing how much the data cap for Mobile Hotspot will be for everyone, but those on truly unlimited will see a boost of 2GB for free. Which is always a nice addition, especially when it’s free. Something else T-Mobile is changing is that when you hit your data cap for mobile hotspot, you can still continue to use it. But at slower speeds, around 128kbps. While many of us would hate to be using that kind of speed for hotspot, it’s better than nothing.

The image below, spells out everything in regards to the mobile hotspot changes. T-Mobile has said before that they are not an ISP – or an internet service provider – which is completely true, and that’s why we haven’t seen magenta release any type of unlimited data plan for mobile hotspot. They basically only want you to use mobile hotspot when it’s absolutely necessary. Like in a power outage or something similar.

There are some other promotions and announcements starting up this week, at least according to the leak we saw last week. So we should be seeing more details on that pretty soon, we hope. As always we’ll be sure to keep everyone up to date with all the latest information on what T-Mobile has for us. Right now Legere is in Washington meeting with the FCC, so that should be interesting. It’s in regards to the upcoming spectrum auction though.