If you’ve decided to build a mobile game, you no doubt may have already started planning on ways to monetize it, and while Android monetization is important, marketing is another huge essential piece that’s important and crucial to your game’s success. There are more than a few different marketing methods and strategies which you can employ, but there are also various facts about the marketing process which should be given special attention. The most obvious thing you should be aware of is marketing your game through social media is a good thing. Not only can this be done for free, but if you’re willing to spend a little money you can expand the reach of your brand presence and get more people viewing your game. At the very least social marketing can help to put out the awareness and get your game in front of more people’s eyes, even if they don’t download it right away.
Increasing the growth rate of your game can also be achieved by grabbing users in other ways. For instance, giving players ways to invite friends and share the experience, almost like word of mouth. An invite for a mobile game sent out through SMS generally receives the highest K-factor, as text messages will be coming from people that potential users will know personally, meaning they might be more apt to try your game as it’s coming off as a recommendation from a friend or someone else they know. The K-factor is a term used to describe the growth rate of apps, games, websites etc. Success in the mobile gaming space isn’t easy to come by, and most mobile games are generally only considered moderately successful if they reach a revenue gain of at least $100,000 per month. Getting to this point will take time, but it helps to know where you’ll need to stand if you want your game to be considered a success.
Making sure your game becomes successful can require many moving parts within the machine, and some of these parts will be comprised of what to include in your game. If you choose to monetize it through in-app purchases and freemium models, you’ll want to go over all your options of what to offer to gamers to convince them to buy. One of the most successful types of offerings are ones which are only offered for a limited time. It presents gamers with a good deal on an in-app purchase for something that can be used in game and increases the urgency to make the purchase with a countdown to when the deal is no longer available. Another important thing to consider is what control type to develop for your game. Many gamers can be left with a bad experience if they have to use bad controls. Even a great game can lose its footing if the control system is terrible, and generally this can boil down to accuracy which any gamer will tell you is important. Considering this detail, swipe gestures are felt to be more accurate than tap controls due to the fact that the gamer is controlling the direction of the movement.
What else is important for your game’s success? Engagement and repeat engagement. If you can keep players interested and engaged with your game then you have half the battle won. Learning how to make this happen though can be tough, and interestingly enough some mobile game developers look to seeking assistance from psychologists during the development process of the beginning tutorials and beginning levels of a game as users are more likely to continue playing should they feel engaged during the starting points. Beginning levels and tutorials can be boring at times, but if they end up being exciting there is a higher possibility of the gamers having fun and they will be more inclined to continue. Other interesting facts which can help to be aware of, are that high app rankings don’t mean games are a scam. Even though this is apparently a perceived notion for when games reach past a certain number of days in the top rankings on app stores. It’s also important to be aware of the fact that lots of app traffic can be somewhat of a hindrance, just as much as it can be a blessing. This is because high traffic for your game can mean more issues for regions with slower networks. Mobile gaming is getting more and more popular as mobile devices become more powerful, and if you’re truly considering getting in on the action, knowing specific details can potentially put you a step ahead of some of the competition.