Top Android Homescreen June 28th: Orange

Another Sunday and another week gone, but that also means there is now a new homescreen design for you all to test out this week. It’s called Orange, and was created by an individual named behemoth and found over at mycolorscreen. Just like all the homescreen picks for each week, we’ll go over what apps you need installed to recreate this look for yourself and then give you the basics of how to set it up on your own device. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

To kick things off, make sure you have all the needed tools to recreate this homescreen design. You’ll need Nova Launcher for starters so you can customize a few homescreen aspects. After you’ve installed Nova, you’ll also need to download Zooper Widgets Pro, and the last app you’ll need to install is Media Utilities. After you have the apps themselves downloaded, don’t forget to grab the Zooper Widgets skin which can be found here in the Play Store.

After you have everything installed on your device, begin by going into Nova settings and configuring the desktop grid. You’ll want it set at 10 rows x 5 columns and make sure it’s without margins. Next, disable the dock as well as the scrollbar, and set it to a single homepage on your homescreen which will hold two widgets that make up Orange. After you’ve long pressed on the homescreen and added the Zooper widgets for Orange, go into Media Utilities, enter settings and make sure you check mark options for Zooper Widget, use alternative data collection, attempt direct control, maker cover art available, and send song progress. That should be it. If you like this homescreen design don’t forget to head to mycolorscreen and hit the love button to show some appreciation for the creators hard work. Have a great rest of the weekend and happy theming!